I strolled into the Gaming store this past saturday, once again. This time I had a scheduled game all lined up. If you know my story I have just recently moved into the area so I am fairly new to the community. This means that I have been trying to find my niche spot within the gaming tiers of the area. Last time I was at the store one of the -twins- called me out for a game, he said he had heard I was a -decent- player and therefore wanted to have a game. I was flattered (of course) that my reputation had preceeded me :D. I had heard of the -twins- over the last month or so from various members of the gaming community and they are held in high regard when it comes to list buinding (using powerfull lists) and their generalship skills. And so, with this I set out my army and we rolled for the mission straight out of the book.
Mission? 4 Objectives
Deployment? Pitched
Location? Sir Games Alot in Barrie Ontario
The Table:
We made sure that there was enough terrain on the table this time, 25% and good LOS blockers. Then tried to mirror it as much as possible in an adepticon format.
The green markers are the primary objectives.
The armies:
I was using the same tournament list that I have been using since I got here and had to drop to 1500pts. It is a strong DE list that has a lot of synergy and can catch people off guard if they are not careful. At a glance the list only has 2 venoms... but at close range (12inches) the army shells out almost 80 AI shots. Hence not needing to rely on the venoms, and boosting 15 AT weapons for decent tank busting capabilities. (with 18 grenades if the wyches get stuck in).
His list was a variation of Blood Angel razorback spam. Cheap squads, cheap HQ and then as many pts in firepower as possible. Of course this variation has adapted to the local meta and he has been using vindies rather than predators because of the prevailence of FNP and other foot troop armies in the area. The use of HK missiles was clearly because of certain DE players that love their night shields. At a distance he could target 6 different things a turn and then even more as soon as the fast vindicators got within range. So I was in for a fight!
Dark Eldar Kabal 1500pts

Archon, Agonizer, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Shadow Field, Combat Drugs
4 Incubi
Venom, Dual Cannons, Grisly Trophies
9 Wyches, Hekatrix with agonizer, haywire grenades
Raider, Flicker Field, Grisly Trophies
9 Wyches, Hekatrix with agonizer, haywire grenades
Raider, Flicker Field, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors, Blaster
Venom Dual Cannons
5 Kabalite Warriors, Blaster
Raider, Flicker Field
Fast Attack-
3 Reaver Jetbikes, Heatlance
3 Reaver Jetbikes, Heatlance
5 Scourge, 2 haywire blasters
Heavy Support-
Ravager, Flicker Field
Ravager, Flicker Field
Blood Angels 1500pts

A closeup of one of some of his painted figures. They will be looking good when he is done!

Librarian- Stock- Powers Shield and Fear.
5 Assault Marines
Razorback with Las-TLplas-HK missile, dozer
5 Assault Marines
Razorback with Las-TLplas-HK missile, dozer
5 Assault Marines
Razorback with Las-TLplas-HK missile, dozer
5 Assault Marines
Razorback with assault cannon, dozer
Fast Attack-
Land Speeder Typhoon
Land Speeder Squadron - 2 Typhoons
Baal Predator, HB sponsons, dozer, HK missile
Heavy Support-
Vindicator, dozer
Vindicator, dozer
After rolling again because we drew the first roll the Blood Angels took first turn and chose to deploy everything with the Baal in outflanking reserve.