It's been a long time since my last update from Koreatown. Time sure flies when you're trying to not get diseases from your students!
Before I get started, I just want to give big props to all those involved in the Mike Mudd Tournament. It's good to see the hobby we all enjoy being used to support a good cause. Roll on brothers and sisters, roll on.
So... I got my Skaven in the mail not too long ago. Thanks again Bob for a great job, and thanks Pete for shipping it so well. The only real damage was to the Doomwheel, the flag keeps breaking off. I may try to pin it, or as other Skaven players have done, sigh and live without it. :(
Anyhoo, here is the latest incarnation of Team Grimace, aka my 2000 point Skaven army:
Grimace regrets being absent for the team photo.
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell, Warp Energy Condenser, Shadow Magic Trinket
Chieftan, BSB, Razor Banner
40 Stormvermin, command, Banner of the Under-Empire, warpfire thrower
20 Clanrats, command, shields, warpfire thrower
20 Clanrats, command, shields, warpfire thrower
20 Clanrats, command, shields and spears, ratling gun
6 Jezzails, sharpshooter team
Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon
I faced off my friend Christian's shiny new Ogres. Maybe it's something in the air, but recently he's decided to convert over 9000 points of Ogre Kingdom models to look like this!
Ogre Kingdoms have defintely got a bump up with their shiny new army book. (shocking!) But by far, one of the most scary units has to be these guys...
"Point. Click. Die. Hur hur hur!"
Long story short, I got my tail kicked. Or, since a picture can speak a thousand words, this happened...
Long rant short, we all now about the "codex creep" by now. It's nice that Ogre Kingdom players are finally getting their day in the sun. Goodness knows they, and Tomb King players, have waited long enough. However, in the long run, as each other army gets their update, we may see a long slide back down the mountain...
BUT... while we wait for all the new army books to be released, would it kill GW to do a proper update to parts of the other army books? In particular, I am thinking of the race specific magic. All the armies that have been released so far have their own race specific magic. This gives them access to signature spells and boosted spells, as well as the benefit of having some of their spells classified as augments and hexes, which makes them so much better.
HOWEVER... other armies with race specific magic are currently being left out in the cold. Skaven, High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves (!!!), Chaos, Vampire Counts... all these races have spell lores that they must use or use exclusively, without the benefit of signature spells, boosting or the addition of spell types.
What this means is for example, if I cast Bless With Filth (clearly an augment spell) on my Skaven, my opponent can try to dispel it as it is cast, or dispel it again in his own magic phase. Two chances to shut it down. However, if my opponent casts an augment spell, I can only attempt to dispel it as it is being cast. Otherwise, it will continue to affect his unit, no matter what I may want to do about it, until his next magic phase.
Now, I can wait for my army book to be released to get all my shiny new things, spells included. However, I think it is unfair to wait any longer for GW to release a proper FAQ which at the very least would say: "Add the sentence. This spell is an augment."
Here endeth the rant, Happy Gaming to all.
Those ogres are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteTough luck on the game. Nice to hear from you mate!