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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

[40KNation] Skared Podcast Episode 9 released

Episode 9 Released - 24th April This week I talk a bit about a tournament I recently went to as well as my involvement with the 40knation. Gaming etiquette is something we should all have in mind when we play this game that relies on social contracts. I discuss list building and the do's and dont's of Gaming, before during and after a game. In international news I discuss Adepticon, the 40K UK GT, and some New releases, can someone say necrons? Of course I finish off the show with some upcomming events. Follow on twitter, send emails, donate, like and rate the site

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Huge! Dark Eldar Update, tonnes of PICS.

Skari here from Skared Podcast with another Dark Eldar hobby update:

I have been gearing up for another tournament with the awesome power of the Dark Eldar. You can see the army list preview on my youtube channel. WYSIWYG is a requirement. Painted is not, but having your army painted gets you points, hence the work I am doing on the rest of the army to get it up to 3 colour minimum.

Here is an army shot (there have been a few tweaks since this picture):

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The Incubi:
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Their venom and gunner:
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I also did some work on the wracks:
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And lastly, I finally got to putting magnets onto the razorwing missiles, so the kit is complete!
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Anyhow, this is what I have been up to in the bowels of the Dark City!


Skari - Out