Ok guys, time again for another Wulf Boyz post.
This one will be to show off my first vehicle conversion. I wanted a Rhino for my Grey Hunters obviously so that's the first tank I worked on.
So as this is a counts as army the one thing I wanted to make sure is that looking at the army you could tell an Rhino is a Rhino. So with that in mind I started with a Rhino and orkified that up.
Looking from the front you will see the left head light has been replaced with a more orkish one. I have also added spikes to the cowl piece that covers the windows. It has also been 'welded' up in place. As well I wanted to put wheels on it so you can see from the front that I had to cut off all the small wheels that the track would follow on and then used platicard and green stuff to cover the holes up there were left. I tried to make it look like it is all one piece and that the model came closed in like I have it. You might also be able to make out my 'Storm Bolter' from this angle but fear not I'll have a closer shot of it further down.
On to the sides. From these angles you can see the wheels a lot better. Modifying the Rhino to accept Trukk wheels took a lot of cutting but I think it was worth it. Also on the sides you can see the battle damage I put on it a little better. I wanted it to look pretty dinged up because this is a Space Wolf tank that the Orks have stolen. Much further down the road I will post the fluff involved with this army that will explain a lot more. As you can see I have added some of the Ork Trukk bars on top. As well it is hard to see from these angles but in back is the Orc Boar rider standard that the orks have mounted on the Rhino. Basically just acting like a standard for the Rhino.
From the top you can see I have added a lot more of the Ork markings and damaged it up on top as well.
Then on the back we again see more battle damage, as well as what used to be a boar boy shield that I have used to ork up the back end of the Rhino. Again from this angle you can see all the work that went into the plasticard and green stuff I used to again cover up the holes left behind where the track would naturally go.
Thanks again, more to come later down the road.
Ohh I almost forgot...